Festival Family Encounters Programme - call-out


Sunday 22 January 5pm

Three people dance wearing a straw outfit
Credit: c. Ruth Armstrong

Sunday 22 January 5pm

How to apply

Download and read the full guidelines and complete the application form by 22 January 5pm. Please also complete our Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Form.

Imaginate is pleased to be bringing Family Encounters back to the National Museum of Scotland on 27 May 2023. We are inviting proposals from artists based in Scotland who would like to present a pre-existing piece of theatre or dance for children and their families within the building.

Family Encounters is an excellent opportunity to be part of the Children’s Festival. In the past, we’ve seen a wide range of performances take place throughout the day including walkabout characters, pop-up, one to one and durational performances as well as interactive installations.

Selected companies and artists will receive:

  • A fee of £340 per person plus travel expenses (within Scotland), and up to £75 for materials per project.
  • Production consultation and support, including dedicated meetings to cover risk assessments and technical requirements
  • Support and a separate budget to cover any costs associated with your access needs (we use access riders for all creatives involved in our projects)
  • Technical support on the 27 May
  • Professional photographs and film footage taken at Family Encounters for use in your own marketing and future promotion.

If you would like to chat to us ahead of submitting an application, please contact Fiona Ferguson, Creative Development Director. We can provide a BSL interpreter or captions for that conversation. If there are barriers to you applying, then please get in touch with Isy Sharman. We can also fund the cost of a support worker if that would help you in submitting an application.

BSL Guidelines and Application Form


Audio Guidelines and Application Form

Application Form: 

The Museum spaces

The following video will give you an idea of what spaces are available in the National Museum of Scotland.

Family Encounters is supported by the Scottish Government's Festivals Expo Fund