Fàs Gaelic Artist in Residence

Photo by Iain Craig
Photo by Iain Craig

"We are very excited to be embarking on this new arts project with Imaginate. Working with a Gaelic artist in residence will not only enrich our pupil’s learning, understanding and love of the arts but will importantly enrich their Gaelic language. Having worked with Imaginate in the past we have a great appreciation for their experience, professionalism and dedication to Gaelic arts. "

—Katie Wight, Taobh na Pàirce

Àrd-shealladh/ overview

‘S e pròiseact ùr a th’ ann am Fàs ann an co-obrachadh le Bun-sgoil Taobh-na-Pàirce còmhla ri neach-ealain Rona Dhòmhnallach, tè a th’ ann an Greis Mhuinntireas ri Imaginate eadar An t-Sultain 2018 agus Am Màrt 2019.  Cruthaichidh Rona pìos leasachaidh ùr airson luchd-èisteachd òga a’ cleachdadh teacsa, gluasad, gnìomhadh beò agus guth airson rannsachadh a dhèanamh air imrich.  Bidh pàirt dhen ùine aice a bhith ag obair le clas a tri aig Taobh-na-Pàirce airson leasachadh a dhèanamh air an t-susbaint.  As dèidh sin bidh ùine aice airson nan cleachdaidhean aice fhèin còmhla ri meantradh agus leasachadh proifeiseanta.

Fàs is an Imaginate project in partnership with Taobh na Pàirce primary school led by Gaelic Artist in Residence Rona MacDonald from September 2018 to March 2019.  Some of her time will be spent working with Primary 3 pupils at Taobh na Pàirce to collaborate with them in the development of the material.  Rona will also have residency time to focus on her own artistic practice alongside mentoring and a programme of professional development.

Rona created a new work in progress called Chan urrainn dhomh falach nad theangaidh / I can’t hide in your tongue for young audiences using text, movement and live performance to explore ideas of migration:

Chan faigh thu faochadh bhon teiche, ge brith an ann bho fhuadach neo cogadh a tha thu a’ ruith, tha na rudan air an robh thu eòlach uaireigin, a-nist, coimheach.  Tha e ceart, ’s e an fhìrinn a th’ ann, mar as fhaide air adhart a tha sinn a’ siubhal, ’s ann as motha a tha sinn a’ fàgail rudan air ar cùlaibh.  Tha seo ceart a thaobh stuth fiosaigeach am broinn baga-siubhail ach dè eile a tha air chall air nach eil thu mothachail 's nach urrainn dhut a ràdh?

’S e seo pìos leasachaidh le teacsa, gluasad agus lèirsinn a tha a’ coimhead air na tha a’ tachairt nuair a chailleas tu do theanga mhàtharail aig aois òg.  Nuair a dh’fheumar gabhail a-steach do cultar nas làidire na an cultar againn fhèin, dè th’ anns an fhèin-aithne fhalaichte againn a thig air ais oirnn, gus ceann a' mhaide a chumail rinn? 

In the anguish of flight, whether through clearance or war, what was once familiar becomes strangely unfamiliar.   It’s true, the further you go the more you leave behind; true of possession in a backpack, but what has slipped away that you can’t quite put your finger on?

This is a development piece with text, movement and visuals which looks at the consequences of losing your indigenous language at an early age.   As we assimilate into a predominant culture, what is it about your increasingly hidden and forgotten identity that comes back to bite you?

Creative Team

Gaelic Artist in Residence & Director: Rona MacDonald
Performer: Beth Frieden
Visual Artist/Performer: Yvonne Buskie  
Dramaturg: Martin O’Connor
Choreographer: Jane Simpson
Sound Artist: Nicola Scrutton

Rona shared this new work at Imaginate's Ideas Exchange event on 13 February 2019 for a full audience of artists and industry peers.


Fàs is funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig, Creative Scotland, Taobh na Pàirce and Imaginate. The project has been further supported by a Baillie Gifford Small Grants Award.

If you would like to discuss this project, or Imaginate's work with schools and communities, please contact Fiona Ferguson, Creative Development Director.