Imaginate at The Work Room - Women Dancing

Photo by Ruth Armstrong
Photo by Ruth Armstrong

We are so excited to have this time at The Work Room supported by Imaginate to explore how we can expand Women Dancing and its possibilities as a live experience.

—Women Dancing

Lou Brodie and Geraldine Heaney were selected after a call out for an Imaginate residency at The Work Room in 2019. You can read about the other residency with Robbie Synge and Julie Cleves here.

Women Dancing is a collaboration between Lou Brodie and Geraldine Heaney.
Lou and Geraldine love dancing. Lou and Geraldine are dancers.
Lou and Geraldine don't look like what some people assume dancers look like. Lou and Geraldine dance regardless and hope other people will too.

Women Dancing is full of fun. It grew out of our mutual love of dance. From learning dance routines as children, dance classes growing up, to feeling judged or excluded from ‘dance’ opportunities and discovering empowerment in having confidence in our own movement vocabulary.

Women Dancing utilizes pop culture, in particular music videos and iconic live performances, mapping and remaking them onto our own bodies. We set out to use what is a small political act of being bold, wobbly, fat, female identifying dancing bodies, unashamedly taking up joyful and celebratory space. We believe this freedom resonates and relates to all humans but in particular to children whose freedom of expression can be very different from the adults around them. Depending on the adults, the context and the situation, this freedom of expression is either celebrated and cheered on or squashed for not fitting in with the social rules of the moment.

Women Dancing - Afterlife from Geraldine Heaney on Vimeo.

Lou Brodie
Geraldine Heaney