Immerse Ideas Fund: Colourful Shadow-Box Theatre

Credit: Photo by Lisa Wilson
Credit: Photo by Lisa Wilson
This project is inspired by a piece of theatre I've been exploring about colour and light called Prism. One of my favourite technical tricks is mixing different coloured filters using simple items you might already have at home. These videos will give children new ways of playing with their existing toys and creating stories.

—Lisa Wilson

In these two videos, theatre-maker and light-enthusiast Lisa Wilson shows you how to make your own colourful shadow-box theatre using things you probably already have in your recycling bin.

Using simple household objects, you will be able to project colours, make shadows and create stories in your own miniature theatre. Lisa will walk you through the process of making the theatre and then look at some ideas to spark your own imaginations. She will show you tricks to use to make images and create stories to share with those around you. You can also download some instructions here.

  • Video 1: Make your own colourful shadow-box theatre using materials you already have at home 
    In this video you will learn how to turn an ordinary cardboard box into a colourful world of shadows by following the instructions at home. There is plenty room for creativity and decoration here.
  • Video 2: More ways to play with your Colourful Shadow-box Theatre
    Now that you have made your theatre, you can find more ways to play with it and to tell stories. Make new shapes, colours and backgrounds for your toys to explore and learn how to move them without being seen yourself. Children are able to make these ideas their own and to build new stories in new worlds using simple crafts to make exciting backdrops.

We would love to see your creations! Please email us your pictures or short videos at or tweet us @ImaginateUK, using the hashtag #ImaginateIdeas