Blog 6: Caroline Bowditch (Weren't you expecting me?)

5 April 2018


A manifesto of sorts

In the last practice sharing session I led for Imaginate, one of the artists encouraged me to write a plan for the future, a list of the things I’d like to see happen, a Manifesto of sorts. Below is an outline of the world I want to live in.

I want to live in a world where:

–     EVERY disabled child receives their creative entitlement

–     children have a chance to see bodies like theirs on stage and screen

–     work made for young people, from babies to teenagers, is seen as valued and valuable

–     we employ positive action until we redress the massive imbalance that currently exists

–     Young disabled people can receive the education they are entitled to that pushes them and allows them to thrive from nursery to PhD

–     Where the ‘value added’ that disabled people bring is acknowledged rather than using a deficient model

–     People are aware and acknowledge their unconscious bias towards people outside of their ‘inner circle’

–     The innovation, lateral thinking and organisational skills utilised and generated by disabled people is acknowledged

–     I can be spontaneous and have just as much choice as everybody else

–     I  can take risks – artistically and in general

–     EVERYONE feels valued and valuable

–     We’re more interested in what makes us individual than the same

–     I can Google disabled leaders and not be faced with a barrage of inspiration porn

–     We talk about access NOT a diagnosis

–     Access is viewed as an artistic opportunity NOT an after thought

–     I make art