Curriculum for Excellence Resources

A sensory adventure, Univers focuses on the areas of Health and Wellbeing, as well as encouraging creativity through Expressive Arts. This immersive work for young children allows them to move freely within the space, responding to the music, lights, and performers.

Opportunities for learning and curriculum links

Health and Wellbeing
I am learning to move my body well, exploring how to manage and control it and finding out how to use and share space. HWB 0-21a

I am developing my movement skills through practice and energetic play. HWB 0-22a

Expressive Arts (Dance)
I have the opportunity and freedom to choose and explore ways that I can move rhythmically, expressively, and playfully. EXA 0-08a

Class Stage
Nursery (0-2 yrs)
Curriculum Links
Expressive Arts
Health and Wellbeing
Assembly Roxy
Duration: 40 min
Seating: Cushions
Assembly Roxy
2 Roxburgh Pl, Edinburgh, EH8 9SU
  • Monday 27 May 10:00
  • Monday 27 May 11:30
  • Monday 27 May 14:00
  • Tuesday 28 May 10:00
  • Tuesday 28 May 11:30
  • Tuesday 28 May 14:00
  • Wednesday 29 May 10:00
  • Wednesday 29 May 11:30
  • Wednesday 29 May 14:00

A sensory experience for early childhood. 

As performers and beautiful objects move around, scatter and connect, children are slowly drawn into the space, observing, reflecting, touching or interacting in their own individual way. They are all inhabitants of this cosmos and part of a fragile balance.

Univers is a poetic sensory experience based on stunning visual imagery and live music. A space for very young children to explore how small insignificant things can have unexpected outcomes. A space to share our vulnerability, adapt to new situations and connect with each other. A unique and unrepeatable experience that is built and rebuilt over and over again.

"The Univers of Engruna Teatre is an ode to cultural reconciliation. Eyes wide-open, children and parents celebrate their first theatrical immersion."

Access Information

  • Set Design: A white floor. Tubes from different sizes, golden rocks, big light spheres, hanging mobiles.
  • Performers: Two performers and one musician. All dressing grey with some shiny silver pieces.
  • Lights: Complex light design, evolving along with the experience.
  • Experience: Audience is sitting around the stage. Toddlers enter the stage whenever they feel like. Elements such as golden rocks, light spheres, tubes, appear. They end up hanging in harmony from big mobiles.
  • Capacity: 60 sitting around the stage on cushions

Part of Spotlight on Catalonia - Supported by the Government of Catalonia.
Govt of Catalonia logo

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