Curriculum for Excellence Resources
An introduction to the magic of planet earth, invention and the human body, this atmospheric performance will explore themes of Technologies, Social Studies, and Science.
Opportunities for learning and curriculum links
I can recognise a variety of materials and suggest an appropriate material for a specific use. TCH 1-10a
Expressive Arts
I can respond to the experience of drama by discussing my thoughts and feelings. I can give and accept constructive comment on my own and others work. EXA 1-15a
I have experienced the energy and excitement of presenting/performing for audiences and being part of an audience for other people’s presentations/performances. EXA 1-01a
Social Studies
I can consider ways of looking after my school or community and can encourage others to care for their environment. SOC 1-08a
Literacy (Listening and Talking)
I can show my understanding of what I listen to or watch by responding to and asking different kinds of questions. LIT 1-07a